Who we are?

Our team is compiled of; engineers, chemists, biologists, metal workers, poly mechanics and printers as well as foil technicians. Each person has a wealth of knowledge in their field with 15 to 25 years of experience.>


What can you expect?

After we receive your Idea, Hand sketch or CAD Files with your design and we are clear on the final specifications you can expect delivery of the first prototype layer between 1.5 – 2 weeks.

As further manufacturing process we offer different foils with and without surface treatment, which includes the trim service.

The pressure of different metals, lead substances, varnish and polymer materials with structure for analyses processes based on tension.

The materials can be glass, quartz glass, synthetic materials and others.

We are continuously improving our service and production, for our existing and new customers, with consideration of the short turnaround time for building the proto types with very high quality and standard.


We look forward to your specific and complete obligation free inquiry. 

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